

The Ao3 Tag of the Day is: Cool Motive Still Murder

Everyone tag this with the character that popped into your head first when you saw this post. I’m curious to see which character wins.

Hey, so huge fan of your art, but there’s one thing I don’t get. I read all of AoA and people keep telling me Loki’s bi and I have no idea where it implies it! Pls help so confused.





I don’t think the book specifically implies Loki is bi anymore than it implies Loki is straight – but by nature he/she is as gender fluid as it gets, being able to switch between male and female whenever the mood takes. It makes sense (to me) that Loki wouldn’t see gender as being any particular barrier in regards to sexual attraction.

Also, a lot of people came to AoA from Young Avengers, and there’s that scene in Young Avengers where he pretty much straight-out offers to sleep with David, and then upon David being like WHAT he talks about how his culture doesn’t have sexuality so much as sexual acts. Or something like that. And that’s how a heap of Loki/David slash ended up on AO3.

I’m pretty sure he just offered a kiss… >_>

But yep that was the point! Which confused me a lot since Asgardian culture just doesn’t seem particularly egalitarian to me… it’s like the embodiment of toxic masculinity. Maybe Loki just lied like he usually does, using the good old alien “it’s normal in my culture” excuse to deflect questions XD

Possibly. It’s quite probably my mind has been deformed by all the L/D slash I’ve stumbled upon.

That’s a good point! Hmm. Now that I’m thinking about it doesn’t make much sense.

Also (and please explain if my logic is skewed, I’m not very educated on genderqueer politics), if he doesn’t fully identify as JUST male, and sometimes he identifies as mostly female, and clearly he once had a fling with Lorelei, then doesn’t that mean that, since he’s sometimes mostly a girl, he’s also sometimes not straight? I’m really sorry if something there was offensive through my ignorance, and please explain.

Nah I absolutely mean that Loki is bisexual and used “in my culture” as a replacement for coming out

actually probably BECAUSE his culture is ACTUALLY so homophobic he wouldn’t be comfortable claiming an identity like that to himself wihtout dressing it up in misleading bullshit

omfg maybe he meant the Frost Giants I could absolutely see THEM not give a fuck about homo and like I don’t think Loki normally identifies with their culture but when he needs to explain why he offers to kiss a boy HE HAS THE PERFECT EXCUSE

also Loki’s canon 100% genderfluid like damn. “I am the goddess of stories” honestly if I were Loki I’d forgo the ‘goddess’ in favor of ‘god’ just because it’s shorter but NOPE. When Loki’s a girl Loki’s a girl all the way through. And I don’t think Loki’s preferences would change from that

I think I heard terms specifically for non-binary trans ppl who still are attracted to one binary gender, ‘femmesexual’ or something?…

Loki’s canon bi tho

I’m curious. Reblog this and explain the origin of your URL in the tags.

Im also loving the Maou liveblog! Please keep it up!

u bet i will!!!

sleep is for the weak

rn i keep interrupting myself to keep up with my dash thats at its most lively at midnight, naturally
but im still doing the liveblog thing! not gonna stop unless i hit something super bad&upsetting there… here’s hope it never gets bad huh?

that awkward feeling when you read the latest issue of agent of asgard, the last one, closing the arc
when it is absolutely breathtakingly amazing and nothing could be better

what you end up thinking on the last page, staring at the last panel and finalizing the ending in your head, getting ready to close the program, is

“bare feet don’t work like that”


here’s something that pissed me off about AOU that nobody seems to be talking about

they got wanda’s powers all wrong.

She could manipulate reality to her will in the comics. Like, she had kids with the Vision listed as their father because she magicked them into existence using 2 lost souls or something like that.

She got rid of all mutants with one spell because she could manipulate reality to her will. and so can her son.

Her powers in AOU are basically mind control and making things move with magic. Not “I brought 2 people into the world with a robot as the ‘father’ because i felt like it”, not “i changed the way these people are living by completely removing all mutants from the world out of anger”, not “I killed three avengers by exploding stuff and erased my memory”

She was so fucking powerful in the comics. So powerful. She and her son were the most powerful beings in the universe

And then in the movie, she considered to be pretty much a child. She was considerably less powerful, and I know it was on purpose. They didn’t want powerful women. They didn’t want the most powerful person on the team – the most powerful person in the world – to be a woman.

That said – I am happy that people are talking about the other problems in aou (the anti-semitism, the mischaracterization, etc…) But can we talk about this too

The powers of comics!Loki and mcu!Loki don’t match up either. I mean, in the comics canon just since Siege Loki has demonstrated ability to:
– at least short-distance teleport at will, with a group of people, even when mostly de-powered;
– move between realms at will, without aid of Bifrost, going “outside reality”;
– time travel at will both to the future and to the past, either in time loops or actually altering events (even if the latter is paradox-and-catastrophe-prone);
– scrying across realms and even passing messages??? what was that in Original Sin;
– also reality warping like Wanda&Billy??? In Young Avengers it’s a plot point that his power is similar to theirs, and he made several living beings with their own independent will appear SUBCONSCIOUSLY because he was FEELING GUILTY, and that’s not even touching on shit he’s doing in the latest issues of AoA…

One power he DOESN’T appear to have on his own is… illusions and invisibility. He uses a vanishing coat, an amulet, a belt – all artifacts. He lies and cheats and betrays, but he doesn’t fool others’ senses.

Like… his powerset in the movies is basically the inverse of his powerset in the comics.

Which I… don’t really mind, actually. Comics!Loki, when you have him properly utilize his powers, is overpowered to the point of being basically unbeatable. Which might be part of the reason why he was sent on a redemption arc – we have alternate future version of Loki that single-handedly scoured Earth of living beings just to spite Thor, after all.

The problem with reality warping powersets is that they are not suited to action movies. Family drama, sure. Political drama, be my guest. Romance, as much as able. All types of “man versus self” conflict, plentiful.

Action, explosions and saving the world? Well, why don’t they just click their fingers so the problem is instantly magicked away?

I’m the last person to say “these feminists are making things up”, but Wanda’s depowering has nothing to do with her gender. If anything, what her powers originally were has to do with her gender – she doesn’t smash directly, she doesn’t even use a weapon, she’s completely non-physical in a very traditionally feminine witchy way. Directly physical “destroy/smash/blow up shit” powers, like Hulk’s and Thor’s and Captain America’s, don’t need revamping to work in an action movie, they are suited to it already, and these men are allowed to be powerful not directly proportional to how reality-altering their powers are, but how they manage to use them.

When women are allowed agency and smarts and character arcs of coming to terms with their power and responsibility, making their powers less absurdly game-breaking is a good thing, not a bad thing. Loki’s magnificent and amazing, and all complaints about his nerf in Avengers I heard were about “why didn’t he use his movie canon powers properly”, not “why didn’t he have his powers from the comics”.

Because Loki was written as a male character, not a female character. And it will never stop pissing me off that there’s such a big difference there.

autistic-created alternative autism criteria


After looking at a lot of the criticisms of the proposed DSM5 criteria, I’ve been thinking about what potential criteria would look like if they were written with the perspective of someone autistic in mind–meaning looking at the underlying differences, not behavioural ones. These are what I’ve come up with so far. I would love to be able to refine and validate these/something built off of these some time in the future to replace the crap being put out in DSM5.

A. Differences in perception (at least 3)

  1. Sensory defensiveness (ie, complaints or avoidance of any of the following: loud noises or places, bright lights, textures (food or object/clothing), tastes, smells, touch)
  2. Sensory seeking (ie, stims or stimming behaviour such as rocking, flapping, finger flicking, hair twirling, spinning objects, etc or actively desiring any of the following: deep pressure or touch, vestibular sensation [swings, spinning in any context, etc], specific smells, tastes, or textures)
  3. Auditory processing difficulties
  4. Unusual, awkward, or delayed motor skills, or asymmetry between gross and fine motor skills (ie, clumsy but with strong fine motor skills, good gross motor skills with poor hand-writing or table skills)
  5. A reduced or lack of conscious awareness and/or use of allistic (not autistic) nonverbal behaviour and communication such as facial expression, gesture, and posture.
    1. This criterion should not exclude persons who have learnt to read or otherwise comprehend nonverbal behaviour by rote learning, particularly adults. Intentional learning to overcome an inherent difficulty in comprehension is supportive of this criterion. It should also not exclude persons who have been taught to use nonverbals to be less visibly different. In such cases, internal report of difficulty should take precedence over apparent behaviour.

B. Differences in cognition (at least 3, one of which must be 1 or 2)

  1. Difficulty in beginning or ending (at least 1):
    1. Perseverative thoughts or behaviours  
    2. Needing prompts (visual, verbal, hand-over-hand, etc) to begin or finish a task
    3. Difficulties planning complex activities
    4. Catatonia
    5. Difficulty switching between activities
    6. Lack of apparent startle response
  2. Difficulty in using language (at least 1):
    1. Problems with pronoun use that are developmentally inappropriate
    2. A reduced or lack of awareness of tone in self (ie, speaks in a monotone, childish, or otherwise unusual manner) and/or others (ie, does not perceive sarcasm or follow implied prompts, responds to rhetorical statements and questions in earnest)
    3. A reduced or lack of awareness of volume (ie, speaks too loud or too quietly for the situation)
    4. No functional language use
    5. Echolalia
    6. Mutism in some or all situations
  3. At least one special interest in a topic that is unusual for any combination of intensity (ie, does not want to learn/talk about anything else, collects all information about the topic) or subject matter (ie, unusual, obscure, or not considered age appropriate). Topics may be age appropriate and/or common (such as a popular television show or book), but the intensity of interest and/or specific behaviour (such as collecting or organising information as the primary focus) should be taken into account.
  4. Asymmetry of cognitive skills
  5. Talents in pattern recognition, including music, mathematics, specific language structures, puzzles, and art.
  6. A tendency to focus on details instead of the broader picture, across contexts.

C. These differences cause impairment and/or distress in at least one context (ie, school, work, home), which may be variable over time.
D. Symptoms should be present in early childhood, but may not be noticable until social demands outpace compensatory skills, at any age



wait, I just googled her, and my first reaction was “a girl called Tatiana Maslany is Canadian???”
oh never mind, Maslany has Ukrainian, Polish, German, Austrian, and Romanian ancestry.
I can tell you which of those cultures her first&last name came from

the funniest thing is that in Russian wikipedia her name is transliterated so that it looks English, while in English it is extremely clear exactly what Ukrainian last name it is a transliteration of