Kylo Ren & His ‘Unnecessary’ Helmet


I think it’s actually kind of funny, the people who harp on the fact that Kylo Ren wears ‘a helmet he doesn’t need.’ Like… I get it. He’s a Darth Vader wannabe; his helmet looks like it’s directly inspired by Vader. So, I get why people are making that statement and being annoyed by his helmet but… know who else wears a helmet? 


Like… the stormtroopers wear helmets; Phasma wears a helmet (I bet she don’t need it to breathe either…?) It kind of just feels like the warriors in the army wear helmets, to protect their heads… even when they’re not on a mission “Who told you, you could take off your helmet?!” 

Like yeah, Kylo Ren is an entitled Vader wannabe whose reasons for joining an army seem much more frivolous than Vader’s ever was, and I think that’s supposed to be a part of his villainy. But… he was going to be wearing a helmet no matter what, so it just seems very strange to harp on Kylo Ren wearing a helmet with no seeming nod to the fact that so does Phasma, and their whole army. 

I can’t help but guess Hux is a strategy man. We don’t see him holding any weapons I don’t think. He seems to be a figure that would stay on base announcing orders or making plans, so it’s not so strange that he wouldn’t wear a helmet, but Kylo and Phasma would. 


I really love the timing of Kylo Ren’s outbursts. They don’t come when things go wrong. Most of the time, he maintains a rather calm demeanor. At one point, he even taunts General Hux that a clone army would be better. His outbursts happen when he gives into his own weakness. 

BB-8 escapes Jakku. He doesn’t bring out his saber until the messenger reveals that it was Finn who helped the droid. FN-1287. The same stormtrooper who he saw in the village. The stormtrooper who Kylo knew wasn’t behaving the way he was supposed to. The stormtrooper he could’ve had killed or sent away or done a number of things to. But instead, he let his suspicions go and gave FN-1287 another chance under Captain Phasma. 

Rey escapes her imprisonment. He knows it’s entirely his fault. Leaving a single stormtrooper to guard over someone strong in the Force? He could’ve knocked her out, done something to her legs so she couldn’t have moved, left droids to torture the information out of her. But he left her as ‘his guest.’ Restrained but unharmed with someone nearby to see to help/guard/move her in case something went wrong. 

He doesn’t lash out because he’s angry at others. He lashes out because he’s angry at himself. Because he failed. Because he was weak. Again. Because, despite his desperation to be like Darth Vader, he is still being swayed by the light within himself. And it’s breaking him apart. 

I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to fight you for a second. (I’ll try and be polite and if we disagree, we disagree) Kylo Ren does more than “whine”. He throws violent tantrums that could easily harm anyone around him. As someone who suffers from anger problems I have been taught my entire life this is not acceptable behavior. It’s worrisome.






I haven’t seen the movie, I was only responding to the op’s annoyance at what they called a “whiny” person. If someone says “be less violent” then that makes sense.

Except that’s bullshit because the only thing he ever throws “tantrums” on in the entire movie are two inanimate objects: a console panel and an interrogation chair.

I yelled at my lounge earlier and called it a gendered slur. Actually I think I take my feelings out on inanimate objects a lot.

i can never stop being amazed at how people dislike Kylo Ren not for awful things he actually did (ORDERING EXECUTION OF UNARMED CIVILIANS) but for… being emo? supposedly dyeing his hair?? throwing tantrums on inanimate objects???

like guys i think you aren’t quite focusing where you should

I personally find the tantrums somewhat amusing (apologies to anyone with anger management problems, but that was my original reaction) and the slaughtering tendencies really disturbing because it’s like… he’s not killing people for a purpose? He’s not even a sadist or anything. He just wants to convince himself that he belongs on the dark side and he does that by MURDERING HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. Like, chill. He kills more people when he’s feeling insecure than he does when he’s throwing a completely out-of-control tantrum.

My reaction to the tantrums was very confused because visually it mostly reminded me of Star Wars games like Jedi Academy where your sword can pass through objects and leave those red fading thingies, but can’t actually change or interact with anything (other than, y’know, people). No matter how many times you swing at that door in frustration, you still have to find the key.

But… this is not the game right? it’s not harmless and ineffectual? the sword is actually destroying this valuable equipment right? I can’t see it but it’s there? BUT IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THAT

And then there was relief like “well he isn’t killing people he’s aggressing against inanimate objects that’s cute&great”

And then again, yeah. His mass murder to prove he’s BAD EVIL AWFUL is just… disturbing. To put it mildly. He has trouble killing people face to face because PULL OF THE LIGHT SIDE but giving an order to slaughter innocents he won’t have to carry out himself? Easy!

Compassion vs empathy, basically. And not in a good way.


So Disney sent out the screenplay for The Force Awakens to members of the Writers Guild of America. And of course it ended up on the internet so I’ve read through it and here were some parts I found interesting.

Three things here:

1. Here we get confirmation that the first image is in fact a hallway in Cloud City. 

2. A lot of people have been speculating if the scene with R2-D2 and Luke is at the temple while it was being attacked but here the screenplay confirms that we are seeing a “burning temple at night”. 

3. We have been going by the assumption that the warriors surrounding Kylo are other members of the Knights of Ren and the screenplay officially confirms this as well. 

Kylo is somehow weakened and horrified with himself after killing Han. I find this detail to be the most interesting out of all of them, considering JJ has said the act was intended to be proof (to Ren himself, if no one else) that there was no light left in him. Obviously this will be something that will haunt Kylo it was supposed to make him feel stronger but in the end he only feel weaker. If anything this proves that this series will not only be about Rey’s transformation into a hero but also Kylo Ren’s redemption. 

We see here that Rey starts to feel the pull of the darkside but resists it. In the novel while she in contemplating if she was going to kill him or not she could hear a voice egging her on to do it, telling her to “kill him”. The voice is then described as being amorphous, unidentifiable and raw. Because of this and the audio book, many people believe that this voice belongs to Snoke. 



Yes, I think Chewbacca as Ben’s middle name is highly probable.

I just keep hearing Han in my head going: “Well, I’m sure as HELL not gonna name my kid OBI-WAN!” Cut to the Skywalker twins rolling their eyes at each other. 

I mean honestly if that’s really his name I’m 100% behind the change


 We need to talk about Kylo Ren’s wound.

At first, pounding on the gash in his side seems like a strange thing to do. Then, you remember: the Dark Side of the Force is fueled by rage and pain. He is hitting his injury to make himself stronger. It’s a survival tactic that probably prevented his body from undergoing shock. It’s what kept him alive. 

Not so fast. There’ s more.

Have you stopped to think about who shot him? Chewbacca.

Chewbacca, Han Solo’s best friend, comrade, copilot, and confidant. Chewbacca, whom Ben Solo grew up with. Chewbacca, who probably would have been the equivalent of Ben’s godfather. “Uncle” Chewie. Who would have patiently allowed infant Ben to tug and pull on his fur. Who would have taught him to speak Wookie, and let him play in the Millennium Falcon, even when Han said to cut it out. Who would have shown him that family and love come in all shapes and sizes. It was Chewbacca that shot him. Because Ben betrayed him. He is no longer Ben Solo, but Kylo Ren “Victorious Ruler.” This man is not the boy Chewie knew. And he just murdered Han Solo. The shot was based on an instinct. A gut reaction. And right after it was fired, you can see the pain in both of their faces.

The wound was inflicted by Kylo’s former friend, but it’s cause was his own action. The act that was meant to help him. The act that should have pushed him over the edge and into complete darkness. Kylo Ren’s last resort to resisting the call to the light.

Go back to him pounding his wound. Why was he hitting his injury? 

He was bleeding out, after all. Blasts from the same weapon have taken down armored stormtroopers. Simple. It didn’t work. Killing Han Solo did not help Kylo Ren achieve darkness. If anything, it weakened him. By hitting his wounds, he’s not just inflicting physical pain, but the pain of every part of his injury: the death, the shot, and his failure. He’s hitting himself to relive that pain. But, after everything he is still drawn to the light

Rey. “You need a teacher,” he tells her. “I can show you the ways of the force.” But that’s another story.

Dear Kylo Ren Fans





I’m not there yet, i understand the attraction as he is fairly good looking in my opinion. But i’m not in love…yet. Give it until the next film and if his little whinny side goes away then maybe just maybe i will join you. I mean we all know the bad guys are the best so give it some time and i may join you.

Whiny side… GTFOH.

The moment a man shows any kind of genuine emotion, be it heartache, despair, sadness, or some other tumultuous feeling, he gets branded as “whiny”.

Can we please stop calling Kylo Ren “whiny” (and really, men in general because this problem extends WAY beyond SWTFA) and just see him for what he is?


I haven’t seen the movie yet but ^^^^

We discourage men from showing emotion so much in our society, that if one of them does show it, they’re mocked and ridiculed for it because it seems ‘abnormal’ and too feminine.

Men are capable of the full spectrum of human emotions and expecting them not to be contributes to toxic masculinity. Boys and men should be able to express emotions and seeing normal expressions of emotions in media representation is a good thing.

Kill the “men must be stoic and their only emotions can be jealousy and anger” trope 2k16.

finally i see on my dash something that goes agaisnt the ‘emo kylo ren’ meme
like okay yeah it’s funny in itself to a degree
but it comes out of an attitude that’s horrible and sexist and kinda terrifying

kylo ren was emotive, alive, compelling

i hated him at the start of the movie and i ended it wanting to see more of him

i am more interested in him than in luke and anakin put together

‘maybe he will stop executing unarmed civilians’ not ‘maybe he will stop being whiney’

whiney for president 2k16

I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to fight you for a second. (I’ll try and be polite and if we disagree, we disagree) Kylo Ren does more than “whine”. He throws violent tantrums that could easily harm anyone around him. As someone who suffers from anger problems I have been taught my entire life this is not acceptable behavior. It’s worrisome.




I haven’t seen the movie, I was only responding to the op’s annoyance at what they called a “whiny” person. If someone says “be less violent” then that makes sense.

Except that’s bullshit because the only thing he ever throws “tantrums” on in the entire movie are two inanimate objects: a console panel and an interrogation chair.

I yelled at my lounge earlier and called it a gendered slur. Actually I think I take my feelings out on inanimate objects a lot.

i can never stop being amazed at how people dislike Kylo Ren not for awful things he actually did (ORDERING EXECUTION OF UNARMED CIVILIANS) but for… being emo? supposedly dyeing his hair?? throwing tantrums on inanimate objects???

like guys i think you aren’t quite focusing where you should